People often ask why we decided on goats. Goats truly are the dogs of the livestock world. They have amazing personalities and will try to get attention in any way they can. When a family considers raising an animal for milk there are only a handful of possibilities: cows, goats, and sheep. Most cows are large and can produce gallons of milk a day, way more than a family needs. Big animal also equals big amounts of feed and large amounts of manure! Goats are relatively small and their daily upkeep costs are relatively low. Goat berries are easily swept up and tossed in the garden while cow pies need a shovel! Sheep are also a good choice for milk, but when it comes to personality goats win hands down. Sheep can also require shearing yearly depending on the breed, an upkeep that made us decide against their use. We haven’t regretted the goat decision one bit.